Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Heaven within?

    Now that the dust is settling from the passing of the manmade prediction of the rapture or what I now call Jesus awareness day because so many folks did talk about the subject.  True, the prediction was purely speculation; it made good conversation and some funny jokes.  With that being said, I wish to share a concept that I have been thinking about for some time.  WARNING!  This is just a concept; although, this is thought provoking and something that presents a totally different idea from conventional wisdom, so please read it with an open mind.   
    It began when I was studying about Alzheimer’s disease in my psychology class.  Alzheimer’s is a ruthless disease that robs individuals of their memories.  Let’s face it without memories what is the value of life?  Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases all relate to the loss of neurons in the mid-brain, which eventually prevents the recall of memories.  I feel that a person’s memories are still intact; however, recalling memories is prohibited by the deterioration of neurons needed to transfer memories from storage to working memory.  If fact, I speculate that all of our memories are stored with-in the brain and just because we cannot recall everything does not mean that all memories are not stored or exist.  It is not known what causes the loss of these neurons and the only real cure is one that prevents the loss of neurons, which has not been discovered. 
    After researching Alzheimer’s disease I couldn’t help to ask “why would God allow such a terrible thing to happen to His people?”  If you have been around someone with severe Alzheimer’s it is disheartening and sad.  I believe that no person can figure out God’s plan, but that shouldn’t keep us from trying.  I struggled to find an explanation for the loss of memory, which needs to be called lack of recall to support my theory. 
    Another factor used in the theory development considers the work of Sigmund Freud, who developed theories of conscious and unconscious and insisted that a person could repress traumatic experiences.  Could repression and Alzheimer’s essentially be the lack of recalling memory, not memory loss?  The unconscious is not fully understood; however, Freud argued that it houses our true self and coined the phrase Freudian slip.  Dreams are also associated with the unconscious and are an unexplained event that occurs within the mind. 
    Joining psychology and spirituality is what lead me to a theory that is opposite of what people think about the location of heaven.  If I were to ask you where heaven is would you not think up or outside of your body?  What if heaven was within your mind?  Yes, the answer maybe in not up or out!  Before you close the page and consider me a nut job consider my reasoning.  If this were true, when we die, we would retreat into our unconscious or memories (all the memories of our life are included).  God warns that all deeds good and bad will be judged, how can that happen if we cannot recall what we have experienced?  Have you ever wondered where memories go or what exactly are they made of?  They are invisible just as one’s spirit, but may be one and the same.  If you think the brain cannot possibly store every item experienced consider this; the eye never fills from seeing and the ear never fills from hearing, so why would the mind ever fill of memories?  If this theory is accurate then heaven is within each and every one of us!  Another interesting theory is that our own belief within may be our pathway to heaven, what better way to weed out those that don’t believe?
    I know this is a far-fetched theory with little proof to back it up, but who really knows what lies beyond death or what God’s plan entails?  Either a spirit cannot come back to this world or it is so great on the other side a spirit doesn’t want to come back…I tend to want to believe the later where ever heaven is.                  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Never talk about politics or religion!

Talking about the weather or your pet is usually a safe topic for conversations with others; although, mentioning politics can get ugly as it did last Friday night at our friendly gathering.  It was late and we were ready to leave when the politics started flying, I don’t know how it started, but it escalated to a fox news debate quickly and I seemed to be the moderator.  One of my friends has a liberal view and the other more conservative, which mirrors the division in our country in my opinion.  The debate circled around taxes, government regulation, and entitlements.  Who should get taxed, how much should people be taxed, more taxes on the rich, and the tax structure were discussed in painful detail, as the others in the room lost interest because this had become a two person argument.  I would have been fired as a moderator because this was getting intense and out of control.  Government regulation was next and it went no differently than taxes and the same for entitlements.  After two hours of heated debate, it was 5am by then, they both realized they were not too far from agreement on all of the issues; however, their own personal bias and preconceived thoughts clouded the path needed to find agreement. 
I have had a few days to digest the early morning political debate and have discovered that there are no solutions that will please everyone, for that matter anyone.  We all have our personal bias and sacred cows, but how do we find a middle ground?  The cable news shows make a good living promoting this divisiveness and love to stir up a divide between the left and the right.  Why does every issue have to be such a war between Dems and Repubs?  With our economy in such a fragile state this would be a great time to join together to provide solutions to our economic problems.  We have a choice when we vote, but that choice is bad and worse in my opinion.  The Republicans are a party of bad ideas and the Democrats are a party of worse ideas all designed for the politicians best interests, not the people.  We need sound leadership and I don’t care where it comes from, but we need it NOW.                        

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How do you feel about gay people?

Love is Love
I may surprise you with the some of the statements I am about to make, but I feel there is an injustice in the way gay people are viewed in our society.  There are protestors at military funerals, gay hate crimes, and they are treated like second class citizens in many ways.  Whatever the reason a person chooses to be gay doesn’t matter; however, it does matter that others respect that choice.  Should a Christian accept a gay person?  What would Jesus do?  Let’s review who Jesus ministered to when he was alive.  It was the leapers, Samaritans, and other people considered low in society’s view at the time, in fact Jesus was at odds with the leaders of the Jewish society.  Is this not a lesson in tolerance and example for us to follow?  Furthermore, who is to judge others?  Those that take the opportunity to disrespect gay people illustrate their own insecurity and closed mindedness.  I may not understand why people are gay, but I will not fall into the pit of judgment and show disrespect.  Be kind to others and you will reap what you sow…            

Friday, May 6, 2011

Locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks

Bin Laden is dead!
Now that the dust has settled a bit from the killing of Osama Bin Laden I have had time to reflect.  A Proverb comes to mind that sums up a different way to address what has happened. 
Proverbs 24:17-20
17 Do not gloat when your enemy falls;
   when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice,
18 or the LORD will see and disapprove
   and turn his wrath away from them.
 19 Do not fret because of evildoers
   or be envious of the wicked,
20 for the evildoer has no future hope,
   and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
Look at the prison Bin Laden was confined in.  He could not leave his compound and was fearful of death every moment of every day and night.  What did he stand for?  Was it worth the cost?  What parts of God’s will was he living and teaching?  It certainly was not the Golden Rule…