Friday, March 4, 2011


Is dirt worth the cost?

I posted this Blog a few months ago and the recent death of the Navy Seals,men that dedicated their lives to fulfill the orders by the government, is what forced me to re-post it.  War is too costly because Americans die, families are affected, and those that live are likely to have some form of Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  Indirect threats are not justifiable, only direct threats are creditable.  They are winning by bankrupting our country and they are better at being poor than us.
The war in Afghanistan has been on my mind lately, yes this war has been going on for nearly ten years.  That is just about as long as the USSR fought in Afghanistan before they gave up.  Why can’t the two super powers win in Afghanistan?   The answer is simple and one that provides a good life lesson.  Never pick a fight with someone that has NOTHING to lose.  Certainly we should be concerned with our fellow mankind; however, the USA should not get involved in countries that have nothing to lose such as Afghanistan.  I watched a program on CNN about a journalist that was allowed to follow and film a group of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.  They were funded from outside sources and did nothing other than ambush USA convoys and read the Quran.  Our troops that die come back to protesters at their funerals posting disturbing signs all for the sake of freedom?  We are just fueling the fire of hatred by continuing to stay in Afghanistan.  Our government depends on fear to keep wars going and this war is bankrupting our country, which is exactly what someone with NOTHING to lose counts on.  Let them come to us over a big ocean and in our backyard for a while and use their resources up fighting us.  If the media quits promoting terrorists they will have NO stage to preform and eventually quit.  It takes two to fight and if we don’t then they will be vilified by the rest of the world and funds will dry up.  Does our country have the will and intelligence to rid ourselves of pride?  A true test of strength is having the power to crush someone and refraining from it. 


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