Saturday, October 15, 2011

Which one are you?

Matthew 7: 13-14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.

Atheist ~ coincidence
People ~ luck
Christian ~ Holy Spirit

The atheist wanders the earth thinking this is all there is to life.  Whatever happens to them is happenstance.  They make their own way.  The atheist is shown the path but never goes to see what it is or where it leads.  They live for the day and themselves.  Death is nothingness.  A sign from God would never even cross their mind and be a mere coincidence.

 Some People believe in luck like the gambler; which includes those that believe in God, but do not have faith enough to believe God will provide for them.  Luck puts the credit on the individual, therefore, pride is involved.  A perfect recipe the devil needs to tempt you.  Joy from luck is brief and unfulfilling.  Luck can draw some to the devil; they will forever thirst for more and never satisfy the craving.  The devil is “lucky” if he steals a soul from God, because the only way the devil can gain a soul is if a person is walking outside the righteousness of God.  It is impossible for the devil to get a soul that is walking in God’s righteousness.  Luck is the most convenient way to explain away a sign from God.
The Christian lives to do God’s will.  God rewards the Christian with forgiveness through Jesus Christ, everything needed to live on earth and the promise of eternal life if living in God’s righteousness.  The Holy Ghost is God’s conduit to us and if you read the Bible and truly believe in him it will grow.  As you get closer to God and understand His teachings God will strengthen you in the Holy Spirit.  Notice there is no mention of the money or riches of this world and you will be tested, which makes being a Christian not easy; therefore many choose the simple ways of the atheist or luck.  The Christian choice is a life long journey, whereas, the atheist or devil have immediate results and often blind their victims from seeking God.  God speaks to us with signs and gentle nudges on our Christian journey.  Signs are from the Holy Spirit and can easily be confused as coincidence or luck.  God speaks to all this way if you are still, listen and pay attention.  

Thursday, October 13, 2011

TP over or under

TP over or under
This question is just about as old as which came first the chicken or the egg?  In fact the question of the flap of toilet paper over the top or under the bottom can be correlated to the political winds blowing in the country today.  How you might ask?  Take the occupy movement or flea party as tea party folks call it; which may have a message, but just can’t seem to get it out or know exactly what the message is. 
Let’s say the Tea Party is the TP over folks and the occupy party is the TP under people.  TP over folks want control over how much TP is dispensed, thus the flap is on top where it can be seen, monitored, and controlled; however, the TP under people could care less how much comes out or if it reaches the floor because they didn’t pay for it and someone else will clean-up the extra.  There are some people that do not notice how the TP goes on the holder, those are folks in the middle, which include those that don’t care or those that can go TP over or TP under without issue.