Politics 101…Get ready for the deal of the century when the Republicans cave in and raise the debt ceiling with the Democrats! I tried to raise my debt ceiling, but the bank would have none of it. Yes, I will have to file bankruptcy because they won’t loan me anymore money; however, I can’t pay them back, so I really don’t want to borrow anymore. I wonder if the same bankruptcy laws and rules apply for the USA? If so, I think the USA should file chapter 7 bankruptcy, I get to keep my house and up to $10,000 worth of stuff…the good news is I get to dump a lot of debt. 14 trillion + dollars’ worth of debt would be erased if the government went bankrupt! There is the issue with the government assets, when you file bankruptcy all of your assets are sold on the court house steps at a sheriff’s sale…You could get a good deal on Yosemite park, an F-14, NASA, the Washington monument, or the White House just to mention a few items. I’m sure the new owners would do a better job running or using government assets than the present owners.
Politicians will not let this happen for one big reason because they would have to go on a cash basis and could no longer borrow money for at least 7 years until they get their credit score up just like a regular citizen. With exception of the military how can we lose, most of the government agencies we have would be gone (cut in spending) and politicians would quit because they weren’t getting paid (win win).
Seriously, when will disconnect between the government and reality be addressed? I think it will take a real Tea Party type uprising to get the point across to the blind politicians running our country into the dirt. I guess I shouldn’t care…its easier just to ignore it.